Marian Catholic College

Marian Catholic College, Griffith
Construction of a New Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) Building and Administration Redevelopments 

Project Value $13,064,654.20

The works under contract was for the construction of new TAS building, Hospitality building and redevelopment of existing Administration Building for Marian Catholic College.

Scope of works included but not limited to the demolition of a portion of the existing Technological & Applied Studies (TAS) building and redevelopment, demolition of existing residence located along Eastern Boundary, demolition of a portion of the existing administration block and redevelopment of new administration and staff facilities.

These works were completed during 4 stages as broken down below;

Stage 0- Block T
Enabling Works – Services relocation, demolition and modification works for alternative access to maintain use of existing building prior to Stage 1 works.

Stage 1
Block A Admin & Staff Building – Demolition of existing residential building and construction of New admin and staff building including carpark.

Block T TAS Building – Partial demolition of existing building and construction of new woodwork and metal work learning areas and mezzanine space.

Stage 2
Block A, Block B and Block M Refurbishment / Extension Works at the conclusion of Stage 1 Block A.

Stage 3 – Construct new Hospitality building.

This project was completed in November 2022.